Overview - About Us

KICK-U is a registered anti-corruption coalition of indigenous Civil Society Organizations, special interest groups and individuals in Uganda, working in partnership with public and private institutions to fight against corruption and abuse of fundamental human Rights to access vital development services.

KICK-U governance and management/administrative structure consists of: A General Assembly, a Board of Directors and Secretariat. The Secretariat is headed by and Executive Director assisted by four program and two administrative staff.

At the sub-national level, the coalition operates in the all the Kigezi region districts of Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu, Rukungiri and Rubanda, at the national level the coalition links with national level advocacy organisations like ACCU, UDN, UNNGOF, AAI(U), CSBAG.

The coalition also collaborates with accountability state institutions like IGG, OAG, EOC, and DEI. KICK Corruption out of Uganda (KICK-U) is embarking on implementing a five year strategic plan that potentially changes the KICK-U focus of civic empowerment from basic sensitization to empowerment to take action in the demand for good governance and accountability.

The plan revolves around innovative ways of working where emphasis is put on partnership building and constructive engagement with state and non-state actors at all levels. It draws its strength from putting citizens in the driver’s seat while the coalition plays a central facilitator and intermediary role.


KICK-U has five core organizational objectives

  • To sensitize and empower communities to effectively participate in the decision-making processes in the development agenda and demand for accountability from their leaders.
  • To promote learning and experience sharing through partnerships, networking and synergy building for collective action against development challenges at the national and sub-national levels.
  • To promote citizens’ increased access to information to inform their evidence-based advocacy agenda that demands better responsiveness and accountability by the duty-bearers
  • To advocate for protection and sustainability of natural resources to spur meaningful economic activity.
  • To build a viable, sustainable and vibrant coalition with a technically competent and motivated Secretariat capable of furthering the civil society’s development agenda and that of KICK-U in particular.

Kick Corruption Out Of Uganda Key result areas (Kras) 2016-2021.

  •  KRA1:  Enhanced Capacity of the KICK-U Secretariat to deliver on its core mandate and contribute to National Development.

     KRA2:  Better Coordination and Networking among Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Region

     KRA3:  Increased Civic awareness and effective participation of citizens in the Region in the local area development agenda

     KRA4:  Strong Collaborative partnership between civil society and local governments within in the Region, with improved responsiveness of Government to citizens’ concerns and Demands.

     KRA5:  Youth and women effectively participating in political leadership and other Development programs.

     KRA6:  Effective Anti-Corruption mechanisms in place and citizens actively engaged in the anti-corruption agenda, corruption cases decisively resolved and general decline in corruption practices in both the public and private sector

     KRA7:  Mechanisms for resolving Conflicts in place and sound Natural Resources management and utilization strategies in place.

     KRA8:   Local empowerment of Stakeholders for effective service delivery and poverty reduction.

     KRA9:   Strengthened Government mechanism for dialogue, access to information, Consultation and negotiation on Policies and Laws. .

2025 © Kick Corruption Out Of Uganda Website by NWT
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